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9 posts tagged with "integration"

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· 2 min read
Martin Chrástek

Are you tired of the tedious and time-consuming process of translating your Unreal projects? Do you wish there was a way to streamline your localization efforts and allow for seamless collaboration with your team? Look no further! We are thrilled to announce the release of our Tolgee Unreal Plugin, designed to revolutionize how you handle translations.

Tolgee Unreal plugin

· 3 min read
Štěpán Granát


Tolgee in-context feature is now available on any production page which is using our integration library! In-context translating brings following advantages:

  • Translations editing directly on your page
  • Creating and uploading screenshots with one click
  • Assurance that new translations fit into your layout before release

In this article, I will show you how it works and how to set it up.

· 6 min read
Štěpán Granát


Two months ago, I was looking for a solution how to speed up pipeline in our monorepo. As an immediate answer I found basically two alternatives Nx (from Google) and Turborepo as a new cool project from well known opensource author (Jared Palmer). I was immediately drawn towards Turborepo as it was really hyped everywhere. Also, it is quite minimalistic, simple to use and it looked like exact fit for our use-case. So I got into it.

· 9 min read

So you develop an app in React and you want many users to use it, right? To make your app usable for users in foreign countries, you have to translate your App to their languages. 🇬🇧 🇨🇳 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇫🇷

In this article, I am going to show you, how to integrate i18next and Tolgee into your project and how easy and fast you can translate a React app using these tools.

Tolgee has also its native integrations. Which are a bit easier to set up, so if you're not used to i18next, maybe it would be easier for you to start with those.

· One min read

After three weeks of hard work, we finally created, documented and released an integration for Svelte.

I learned a lot about Svelte while creating it, and I have to say, that I love Svelte!

Get started on Tolgee for Svelte!