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Updated roadmap. CLI, Community translations, and more.

· One min read
Jan Cizmar 🧑🏻‍💻

Yes, we updated our roadmap again. In the next few months, we are going to work on CLI, enhanced permissions, new Tolgee core, community translations, webhooks, and batch operations.


In the past months, we've got a lot of feedback from you - our users and the community, and we decided to update our roadmap to match the needs of you as much as possible.

So what are the features, we are going to work on and when? See our new roadmap to learn more.

Jan Cizmar 🧑🏻‍💻
Jan is a coding mastermind who's on a mission to save the world from software localization chaos. He has a passion for clean code, hates being a copy-pasting monkey 🙈 and is dedicated to delivering smart and simple software as the head of Tolgee.