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Dev tools

Do it faster.

In context translating

In context ALT keyIn context ALT key

No more time wasted.

Add translations in the code, and translate them directly in the app with the Tolgee i18n tool. Clicking an element while holding the ALT/option key opens a dialog where you can simply modify your strings. No need to edit large .json/.po/.whatever file. In-context translating works great also in the production environment.

In context dialogIn context dialog

No more mistakes.

Translating in the context is the best way to avoid mistakes translators make because of missing context. Imagine you've got just words, strings, and phrases without knowing how they relate, what order they should be in, or where are they located in the app.

Nico H.
I really like the in context editing feature of Tolgee. This way our clients have an easy to use way to edit translations of the platforms we build.See review

One click screenshots

One-click screenshotsOne-click screenshots


That's how many times you have to click to take a screenshot from your application with highlighted phrases to translate. Just ALT + click a string and hit the camera button. Boom! Screenshot generated.

One-click screenshotsOne-click screenshots


Screenshots provide context to your translators. Translating software without context always generates a lot of errors. Don't wait for your customers to tell you what's wrong. Provide perfect results right away.

Translating on production

Delegate it.

In-context translating also works in the production environment of your deployed app. Using the Tolgee Tools Chrome plugin, you can simply provide your API key and start translating. This enables anybody without developer knowledge to translate your app.

Diogo M.
The tools to edit the translation from the browser are very useful for the clients to manage the translations. Easy to use and to integrate.See review
In context dialogIn context dialog

True integrations

Tolgee is real

Tolgee is not just another localization platform offering integrations that just sync your local data with the backend. Tolgee is truly integrated into your app via SDKs.

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