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2 posts tagged with "Vue.js"

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· 11 min read
Kevine Nzapdi

Vuejs Tolgee Nowadays, providing solutions to specific problems identified in a domain has fueled the creation and growth of many companies and startups. But one problem arises which is how to market the product in various places given that not everyone does not have the same background. Even though English is one of the most used languages, especially in the professional domain, this does not exclude the other part of the population that uses other languages. To build an application or solution for a specific area, you need to assure that your solution will efficiently communicate with the target audience. Software localization is the process of adapting a product or a service offered by the software to meet the needs of a desired culture, population or language.

In this article, you will learn how to localize your Vue application in various languages with Tolgee an open-source tool. But before that let’s have an overview of what Tolgee and Vuejs are.