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Version: 3.x.x

Editing translations

For editing translation strings, Tolgee provides an editor, which helps translators translate strings in a convenient way.

The translations view

The translations view enables you to access translation keys, the translation text in the target languages. It allows you to add comments or see the history. When translating, you can also get the results from machine translation providers and translation memory.

Translations View

Editing the translation

You can enter translation editing mode by clicking on the translation text. This will open the translation editor. When editing translation, translation memory, machine translation, comments and history are displayed in the right panel.

Editing translation with placeholders

When translation text contains placeholders, their code is hidden by default. So you don't have to understand the actual parameter and HTML tags placeholder syntax.

Editing with placeholders

To add the placeholder to the translation, you can click on the placeholder in the list of Missing placeholders below the translation input.

To add a new placeholder, you can just type the placeholder syntax into the translation input. e.g., {dogsCount}, and it will be automatically visualized. Read more about Tolgee Universal ICU placeholders here to know about all the supported placeholder types and syntax.

Editing placeholders as a code

Sometimes, you might want to edit the whole message as a code with placeholders and HTML tags. You can do that by switching the editor to the code mode in top right of the current language translation editor above the translation input.

Switching to code mode

This way, you can switch between the code and visual mode to edit the translation.

Editing plurals

When editing plural translations, each plural form is displayed in a separate input.

Editing Plurals

The #1 and #10 placeholders shown on the screenshot are special placeholders being replaced by the pluralized number when formatting the translation later. The numbers 1 and 10 are examples of such formatted numbers. These examples help you to provide the correct translation for each plural form. You know that you've provided the correct translation if the sentence reads correctly with the example.

When Tolgee Universal ICU placeholders here are disabled

Project managers can disable the Tolgee Universal ICU placeholders in the project settings. In this case, the placeholders and HTML tags will never be visualized, and you will always have to edit such translations as code.

ICU Placeholders disabled