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Version: 5.x.x

Next.js with app router

Check our Next app router example application


Next app router doesn't have native support for i18n as the Page router, but we can use next-intl library, for routing and locale detection.

Install next-intl and @tolgee/react

npm install next-intl @tolgee/react

Use @tolgee/react version 5.17.0 and higher

General folder structure

The folder structure needs to be adjusted to resemble the following:

├── middleware.ts
├── navigation.ts
├── i18n
│ ├── en.json
│ └── de.json
├── tolgee
│ ├── shared.ts
│ ├── client.tsx
│ └── server.tsx
└── app
└── [locale]
├── layout.tsx
└── page.tsx

Tolgee setup

We need a bit different setup for server and client.


Let's start with shared configuration:

// shared.ts

import { DevTools, Tolgee, FormatSimple } from '@tolgee/web';

export const ALL_LOCALES = ['en', 'de'];

export const DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en';

const apiKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TOLGEE_API_KEY;
const apiUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TOLGEE_API_URL;

export async function getStaticData(languages: string[]) {
const result: Record<string, any> = {};
for (const lang of languages) {
result[lang] = (await import(`../i18n/${lang}.json`)).default;
return result;

export function TolgeeBase() {
return (
// Preset shared settings

Setup Tolgee environment variables (check Integration):

# .env.development.local



The client part is very similar to pages router setup. It serves the purpose of translating client components and also enables in-context functionality for server-rendered components.

// client.tsx

'use client';

import { TolgeeBase } from './shared';
import { TolgeeProvider, useTolgeeSSR } from '@tolgee/react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

type Props = {
locales: any;
locale: string;
children: React.ReactNode;

const tolgee = TolgeeBase().init();

export const TolgeeNextProvider = ({ locale, locales, children }: Props) => {
// synchronize SSR and client first render
const tolgeeSSR = useTolgeeSSR(tolgee, locale, locales);
const router = useRouter();

useEffect(() => {
const { unsubscribe } = tolgeeSSR.on('permanentChange', () => {
// refresh page when there is a translation update

return () => unsubscribe();
}, [tolgeeSSR, router]);

return (
<TolgeeProvider tolgee={tolgeeSSR} options={{ useSuspense: false }}>


Finally, let's prepare the server part. We utilize react server cache for sharing Tolgee instance across components in the single render. So you can use it anywhere in your server components.

One important difference from the client setup is the utilization of fullKeyEncode. Which ensures, that translations rendered on the server are correctly picked up and interactive for in-context mode.

// server.tsx

import { useLocale } from 'next-intl';

import { TolgeeBase, ALL_LOCALES, getStaticData } from './shared';
import { createServerInstance } from '@tolgee/react/server';

export const { getTolgee, getTranslate, T } = createServerInstance({
getLocale: useLocale,
createTolgee: async (locale) =>
// load all languages on the server
staticData: await getStaticData(ALL_LOCALES),
observerOptions: {
fullKeyEncode: true,
language: locale,
// using custom fetch to avoid aggressive caching
fetch: async (input, init) => {
const data = await fetch(input, { ...init, next: { revalidate: 0 } });
return data;

Context provider

Here is how we apply the TolgeeNextProvider in the layout.tsx

// layout.tsx

import { notFound } from 'next/navigation';
import { ReactNode } from 'react';
import { TolgeeNextProvider } from '@/tolgee/client';
import { ALL_LOCALES, getStaticData } from '@/tolgee/shared';

type Props = {
children: ReactNode;
params: { locale: string };

export default async function LocaleLayout({
params: { locale },
}: Props) {
if (!ALL_LOCALES.includes(locale)) {

// make sure you provide all locales, which are necessary
// for the inital SSR render (e.g. fallback languages)
const locales = await getStaticData([locale]);

return (
<html lang={locale}>
<TolgeeNextProvider locale={locale} locales={locales}>

This is the place where we load relevant locale already on the server and supply it to the client component through the props.

If you want to provide each page with a different namespace, you can move the provider to the page files, this example provides the translations globally

next-intl setup

We use next-intl for routing and language detection.

Let's set middleware and navigation according to docs:

// middleware.ts

import createMiddleware from 'next-intl/middleware';
import { ALL_LOCALES, DEFAULT_LOCALE } from '@/tolgee/shared';

export default createMiddleware({
locales: ALL_LOCALES,
defaultLocale: DEFAULT_LOCALE,
localePrefix: 'as-needed',

export const config = {
// Skip all paths that should not be internationalized
matcher: ['/((?!api|_next|.*\\..*).*)'],

We'll use these navigation components for localized routing:

// navigation.ts

import { createSharedPathnamesNavigation } from 'next-intl/navigation';
import { ALL_LOCALES } from './tolgee/shared';

// read more about next-intl library
export const { Link, redirect, usePathname, useRouter } =
createSharedPathnamesNavigation({ locales: ALL_LOCALES });

To gain a comprehensive understanding of how next-intl operates, check their docs. We are only utilizing the necessary setup for proper routing, hence not all the listed configurations are required.

How to use it

Let's see how we can localize server components:

// page.tsx

import { getTranslate } from '@/tolgee/server';

export default async function IndexPage() {
// because this is server component, use `getTranslate`
// not useTranslate from '@tolgee/react'
const t = await getTranslate();
return (

If everything is set up correctly, the 'page-example-title' should be alt + clickable. Make sure you've defined your project credentials in the .env.development.local file.

For client components, you can use the regular React integration:

'use client';

import { useTranslate } from '@tolgee/react';

export const ExampleClientComponent = () => {
const { t } = useTranslate();

return (

Make sure to use @/tolgee/server in server components and @tolgee/react in client components.

Switching Languages

For switching languages we use next-intl router helpers.

'use client';

import React, { ChangeEvent, useTransition } from 'react';
import { usePathname, useRouter } from '@/navigation';
import { useTolgee } from '@tolgee/react';

export const LangSelector: React.FC = () => {
const tolgee = useTolgee(['language']);
const locale = tolgee.getLanguage();
const router = useRouter();
const pathname = usePathname();
const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition();

function onSelectChange(event: ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) {
const newLocale =;
startTransition(() => {
router.replace(pathname, { locale: newLocale });
return (
<select onChange={onSelectChange} value={locale}>
<option value="en">🇬🇧 English</option>
<option value="de">🇩🇪 Deutsch</option>

Make sure you use navigation-related components from @/navigation instead of next.js native, as they need to consider the locale.

If you encounter any issues making it work, you can clone the example app and kickstart your journey from there.

Limitations of Server Components

Although in-context translation works with server components, there are some limitations compared to client components. Since the Tolgee cache on the server is separate, Tolgee can't automatically change the translation when creating a screenshot (unlike with client components, which swap the content if you've modified it in a dialog).

Furthermore, if you're using the Tolgee plugin, it won't affect the server's transition to dev mode. As a result, only the client switches, leaving server components non-editable in this mode.

To get more information read React docs, Tolgee general docs or check the Example app.