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Version: 2.x.x

Migration to v2

Version 2 focuses on enabling new formats supported by the Tolgee platform, making .tolgeerc more useful and adding tagging operations, improving the overall reliability of the localization process.

The tolgee configuration file now allows you to specify most of the options that you'd have to set previously through command options.

Some options are now global:

  • --patterns
  • --format
  • --extractor

And they can also be defined through .tolgeerc.

Changes to push command

This command has most of the breaking changes. Now, you must specify which files you want to upload and to which language and namespace they should be mapped.


tolgee push ./i18n


tolgee push

With .tolgeerc looking like this:

"push": {
"files": [
"path": "./i18n/en.json",
"language": "en"
"path": "./i18n/cs.json",
"language": "cs"

We use a new endpoint for pushing, so it's now stateless. Before, it used a statefull multi-step import endpoint, which was not optimal for CLI operations.

You can now tag new keys with specified tags and delete keys in Tolgee Platform, which are not in the imported files.

Changes to pull command


tolgee pull ./i18n


tolgee pull --path ./i18n

The path can also now be set through .tolgeerc.

You now have more options for filtering.

Commands using patterns

Other commands were less affected; the biggest change now is that <patterns> is now named a global option, so all commands that use it need to be changed like this (extract check, compare, sync and extract print):


tolgee extract check './src/**/*.ts?(x)'


tolgee extract check --patterns './src/**/*.ts?(x)'

Where the patterns can be defined in .tolgeerc