Basic info
The Tolgee EE License V1 is a source-available software license for non-commercial use of software.
Only "ee" and "webapp/src/ee" directories are licensed under the Tolgee EE License V1. The rest of the Tolgee Platform Repository is Licensed under Apache 2.0. license.
The full Tolgee EE License V1 text is available in the Tolgee Platform repository on GitHub.
It allows non-commercial use of all software under “ee” and “/webapp/src/ee" directory of Tolgee-platform repository on GitHub (
To the remaining software of the Tolgee-platform repository, the Apache License Version 2.0. applies (unless expressly specified otherwise).
Some parts of software under this license may be available for free, so you can use them by using Tolgee official releases published to DockerHub or GitHub Releases. But some of the features are protected by a license key. To be able to use those features, you need to obtain a license upon payment.
You can also use Tolgee Cloud (SaaS version of the Tolgee), some features are provided for free, and some require subscribing to advanced plan. Please check the for details and applicable terms of use.
What can I do with the software under Tolgee EE License v1?
Your permission to “use” the software includes copying, distributing, making the software in source or non-source form available to the public. To be able to use this permission, remember you have to use the software only for non-commercial purposes and you have to avoid actions prohibited under section “Limitations”.
What is understood by “non-commercial use”?
The non-commercial use means that you do not use the software to achieve profit, monetary compensation of any kind nor other commercial or economic advantage, whether you would achieve them directly or indirectly.
Non-commercial use is using Tolgee for your non-profit or hobby project where you do not raise money from advertising or as an influencer. For those purposes, you can use Tolgee part under EE License either as it is or you can modify it and use your customized version.
What are the typical examples of non-commercial use?
Using Tolgee for an individual hobby project
Forking the Tolgee repository and creating a pull-request to change the code licensed under the EE license
What, on the other hand, are typical examples of commercial use?
If you want to use Tolgee to localize your software which you provide to customers for some fee.
Using Tolgee for localization of the software of your customer is also a commercial use (including use of a version of Tolgee modified by you).
Can I use some part of Tolgee under less restrictive terms and even for commercial use?
Can I change, disable or otherwise interfere with licence keys in Tolgee?
You cannot not circumvent any license keys or other measures which prevent you from use of certain features which are paid. Not even in case you aim to use those features non-commercially. To be able to use those features from the "ee/" or "webapp/src/ee" directories, you need to purchase a license – click here to see the options. You also cannot circumvent any license keys which limit the number of seats on which Tolgee can be used. If you need to increase the limits, you have to upgrade your subscription plan – or alternatively, use Community Version of Tolgee, see the previous question (point a).
Can you provide some examples around what qualifies as "providing the software to third parties as a hosted or managed service" or not?
You are setting up Tolgee for users of your strictly non-commercial software so they can use it internally - this is permitted under the Tolgee EE License, because you are not providing the software as a managed service.
You are a Managed Service Provider (MSP) running Tolgee for users of your strictly non-commercial software.
If your customers do not access Tolgee, this is permitted under the Tolgee EE License. If your customers do have access to substantial portions of the functionality of Tolgee as part of your software as a service, this is not allowed.You provide Tolgee as a service, where users of your strictly non-commercial sotware have direct access to substantial portions of the Tolgee - this use is not permitted under the Tolgee EE License. Please reach out to us to discuss your options.
Can you clarify the intent around "You may not remove or obscure any licensing, copyright, or other notices"?
This limitation is intended to protect our software and brand by preventing people from removing notice of the license, copyrights, or trademarks, such as the term Tolgee, in-product logos, etc. This is particularly important as a way to communicate the terms of use when redistributing the products.
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